Pam Brewer Scaredy Cat
Overall Dimensions: 4” W x 7” H
Handmade in Newland NC
About the artist: “Following a labyrinth of sorts, with a degree in Interior Design from the Art Institute of Atlanta, I designed my way becoming a general contractor and ending this stage of my life with a Design/Build construction company. Having always chosen the road less traveled, I ended up in the mountains of NC, exploring life as a studio artist. Since 1993, beginning with mosaics, I have been breaking and making ceramics as a full time studio artist.”
Pam is “instinctively drawn to the more primal materials (earthenware and terra sigilatta), and the most time honored forms of hand building (pinching and coiling). Living in stillness (which is always a challenge), and in the oldest mountains on the planet, I am continually silenced by the beauty of our natural and organic environment, and attempt to reflect that in my work.”